"Luna Bell"
SCS Charlie Luna Potts
Luna is an standard coat black female and weighs 16 lbs. Will be ready for her new home in two weeks after she is fully recovered from her spaying surgery. She is an active girl who loves the outdoors !! Her favorite things are to camp, hike, and play chase. She can sit, shake w/ both paws, high 5 and recalls. She is both dog door and bell potty trained ​
fenced in yard
0-1 dogs max (great with other dogs but we want this love bug to have all the kisses!!
must love kisses !!!
outdoor type family
​DOB: October 15th, 2020​
Rehoming fee: family found
"Nugget "
SCS Cinna's Little Chicken Nugget
Nugget is a 6/10 liver red male and weighs lbs. He is due to be neutered January 14th and will need 2 to 3 weeks to recover from surgery. He is an Izzy and Cinna baby which is very dear to us as mom Izzy will only have 2 litters so he's a rare gem.
He is a sweet boy that love to get his belly rubbed and snuggles. He is easy going and calm temperament. Will need work on house training as he's been living with intact males.​
0-2 dogs
fenced in yard
DOB: Feb, 18, 2024
Rehoming fee: family found
Adoption an Adult is different than a puppy .....
Our goal is a move from our home to their furever home !! Please do your research !!
3 Days to Unwind
The first three days are all about survival mode. When I first arrived at my new home, I was confused, scared, and unsure of what to expect. Everything was different—new smells, new faces, and a new routine. I might not have eaten much or shown my true personality because, well, I was just trying to figure things out. It’s like being in a whole new world!
3 Weeks to Settle In
By the time three weeks rolled around, I started to relax a bit. I began to understand that this place was safe, and the humans here were kind. I started learning the rules of the house, like where to sleep, when to eat, and where I’m allowed to roam. My real personality started to come out, and I realized that maybe, just maybe, this could be my forever home.
3 Months to Feel at Home
After three months, I really began to feel like part of the family. I knew the routine, felt comfortable with my surroundings, and built a strong bond with my humans. This was when I truly felt at home. I knew that I was loved and that this was where I belonged.
We have had great success with our retired adults so far ...Please help us keep it that way by asking any questions you need to make sure the dog fits in your home.
All adoptions are at the discretion of Southern Cross Schnauzers. We are not simple rehoming our dogs because they no longer serve a purpose for us but because we wish to put their needs ahead of our own and provide them a home with undivided attention tailored to their needs. Since these are not puppies that can be molded to fit in a home but need a home fit for them not every home will be a good match for a particular dog.